Kelly Todd
Season 2 Choreographer
Kelly Todd is a native of Houston, TX. She received a BFA in Modern Dance from Texas Christian University and a Double Minor in Biology and Environmental Science. Kelly has been featured in contemporary dance works by Robert Battle, Doris Humphrey, Kuperman Brothers, Sharon Eyal, zoe|juniper, Johannes Weiland and Punchdrunk. In 2015 she joined the critically-acclaimed, award winning off-broadway show Sleep No More where she currently still performs. Kelly was commissioned by renowned architect, Steven Holl to create an immersive solo for the opening renovations of his ‘T’ Space Art Gallery in Rhinebeck, NY. Along with performing, she currently teaches mindfulness and Sex Education at Waterfront Montessori School in Jersey City, NJ. Kelly’s choreography has been showcased in Texas, Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Albuquerque and NYC. In February 2018, her film, Minnewaska premiered at Arts on Site NY to promote the film series Under Review which highlights the threatened American National Monuments under review for industrial development. Her most recent film in the Under Review series, Under Review: Gold Butte, was awarded “Most Inspirational Film” from TopShorts Film Festival and an official selection into the Colorado Environmental Film Festival and the Jacksonville Dance-Film Festival. Under Review: Gold Butte was an official selection by The Human Impacts Institute and publicly on display from September - October 2018 for the Creative Climate Awards at the Taipei Cultural and Economic Center in Times Square, NY. The second film in the series, Under Review: Katahdin was awarded the Brooklyn Arts Fund Grant and the film is currently in pre-production.